Save the following program as *.c and run it.
#define usethis(h,c,e,t,o,p,q)t##e##c##h
#define begin usethis(n,i,a,m,a,t,p)
int begin()
printf("Program without main keyword...\n");
Are u able to see the output.
1]## operators acts as token merging operator..we can merge two or more character in it.
2]#define usethis(h,c,e,t,o,p,q)t##e##c# #h
The macro usethis(h,c,e,t,o,p,q) is being expanded as "tech" (the ## operator merges t,e,c & h into tech).
The logic when you pass (h,c,e,t,o,p,q) as argument it merges the 4th,3rd,2nd & 1st chacter
3]Now see the #define begin usethis(n,i,a,m,a,t,p)
The preprocessor macro begin replaces with expansion of the usethis(n,i,a,m,a,t,p)
The argument must be expanded so that that 4th,3rd,2nd & 1st character must be merged.
In the argument (n,i,a,m,a,t,p) 4th, 3rd,2nd & 1st character are 'm','a','i','n'
thats it.
Nice one!